Saturday 30 July 2011

Kristen Wiig

I adore Kristen Wiig, she's currently my favorite comedy actress. I've loved her since I went to see 'Whip It' in the cinema, her character was my favorite and I just wanted to see more of her. Which proves what a great actress she is. She's also gorgeous yet not threatening and not afraid to make a fool of herself.
Then I went to go see 'Paul' and she was even more hilarious and played a bigger part which I was so pleased about. I've been keeping an eye out for her since (no 'Paul' pun intended) and I was so excited to see that 'Bridesmaids' was coming out. I went to go see it purely to watch her performance, and she was amazing it was co written by her also so she's an even greater idol to me now as the film is hysterical. yes us women are funny god damn it and having to feel like we need to prove it all the time is like talking about the world being flat, it's been proven time and time again. Kristen is such a pioneer of female comedy I'm so grateful I had to write this blog about her I wish her all the success in the world and if you needed anymore proof that she's amazing check these videos out...
(Don't worry the bottom interview's not in french)
Whip It           Paul           Bridesmaids

Friday 29 July 2011

✎ There Is No Dog - Meg Rosoff

For those of you who didn't know, Meg Rosoff is one of my favorite Authors and I'm excited to announce that her fifth book is about to be released.

I've been a fan of Meg's since I found 'How I Live Now' when it was first released in a local WH Smiths. I read the blurb and decided to take it home with me, and boy am i glad i did. The book opened up a whole new reading world to me, one in which I could truly for once see myself as being able to become an author, writing the stories i wanted to write whereas before I fobbed it off as only a pipe dream.
That book was inspirational. Since then I've really branched out on what I will read and no longer consider YA fiction as my go-to genre. I'll give so many more great pieces of art my time and even the not so great ones, yet i still enjoy the experience. I know this is a lot to put onto one book, but if there is one book which changes a persons attitude to reading, for me 'How I Live Now' was it.

As for her latest release it promises to make you ponder and realise new perspectives once more and I for one can't wait...

In the beginning, Bob created the heaven and the earth and the beasts of the field and the creatures of the sea, and twenty-five million other species (including lots of fanciable girls).
But mostly he prefers eating junk food and leaving his dirty clothes in a mouldering heap at the side of his bed.

When Bob plays with mortals, millions die. And every time he falls in love, earth erupts in natural disasters. So humankind is going to be very sorry indeed he ever ran into a beautiful, completely irresistible girl called Lucy . . .
Out August 4th
Buy Here

Thursday 28 July 2011

I ♥ Peacock & Gamble

Especially Gamble, I'm kind of crushing on him at the moment he's so cute.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

How To Make A Toastie

OK so this is what I love to eat.
 Real comfort food, you know.
 Something which you don't have to fuss around with and still fills you up and tastes brill
(BTW it's real simple)
Here's a quick how to

1. Turn the sandwich toaster on.
2. Butter 2 slices of bread.
3. Place a slice of ham between the bread with the buttered sides on the outside.
4. Cut the top crust off the bread.
5. Place neatly inside the sandwich toaster, making sure not to burn yourself
(use a knife to help position it)
6. Pull the handle down and click into place.
7. Wait for 4 minutes.
8. Turn sandwich toaster off and take out Toastie.
9. Cut in half and serve.
Voila! Told you it was easy.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These

I also bought these two from H&M
Yes they're the same in different colours but they're just so lovely.
£4.99 each. More bargains!

Blue Shirt

Just ordered this cute shirt from 'Oasis' at 'House of Fraser'
Only £10 Bargain!

Buy yours here ←

✎ Heist Society - Ally Carter

Can't wait for this to be released.
They're raving about it in America,
and the cover kicks ass.

When Katarina Bishop was three, her parents took her to the case it. For her seventh birthday, Katarina and her Uncle Eddie travelled to steal the crown jewels. When Kat turned fifteen, she planned a con of her own - scamming her way into the best boarding school
in the country, determined to leave the
family business behind.

Sing Sing Sing With A Swing

Such an amazing musical era

Words Words Words

Intrepid → Fearless, Daring, Bold
Inimitable → Surpassing imitation, Matchless
Magnanimity → Generosity
Punctilious → Attentive to detail
Coquettishly → Flirtatiously

♫ Daughter - Run ♫

So incredibly beautifull, makes me cry and inspires me.
If you liked this then check out 'Landslide' by the same band.

♫ The Saturdays - All Fired Up ♫

This is going to be HUGE, I just know it.
Hopefully their first #1, they're such great girls.

♫ Stereophonics - Maybe Tomorrow ♫


A little about me? sure, I'll go ahead. One day I hope to be an author, and in order to be one of those I've learnt you need to write, so here we are. I live at home with my sister, mother, step dad & half brother. OK so that's the human side taken care of, as for animals I have 2 cats and 1 dog she's a shi-tzu.

I have social anxiety disorder so i don't really go out much.
QQ: Is it possible to get writers block before you've started writing?

A little while ago I posted some book reviews on YouTube, they now have a total of seven views. Hell Yeah! (note the sarcasm, can't really convey tone here people)

I love to read and would like to work in a library and write my own books.
I am volunteering at the library this summer for the reading challenge where I'll be handing out little stickers to kids :)

OK so that's a little snippet about me and my life, I'm sure you're very bored now, I'll update soon.

New Beginnings

Hello intrepid reader and welcome to my brand new blog. I have created this space to jot down my thoughts, feelings and things of general interest. I also hope to add book reviews/suggestions.