Thursday 26 April 2012

Blog Entry

Hello once more,

I have a few things to update you on. As of my last post I have indeed been taking a GCSE English course and guess what? the exam is just round the corner. The exam will take place on 26/5/12 so we are cramming in the knowledge. My predicted grade which my tutor has given me is a B although this can go up or down as it is seen by the proper exam people to give them their full title. I am bricking it as you would imagine.
On the personal front things have never looked better. I am currently volunteering Mon & Fri everyweek at a local charity shop (British Heart Foundation) I have made a few friends since starting their and one I like in particular ;) but we'll see how that goes.
As for the job search I am still unfortunately unemployed and the jobcentre have signed me up for this thing called the work program which I hate very much and find to be very unhelpful. Though they did reluctantly offer me a counsellor which they would pay for to help with my Social Anxiety Disorder.
I had my first session on Monday and it went brilliantly of course. It was just an initial assessment but the lady really knows what she is doing. I guess that's why they pay her the big bucks, seriously, counselling is expensive.
She helped me understand that the way you think and the way you feel are very different and also that I suffer from a type of OCD called ruminating. Where you re-live certain things in your head. For me I reimagine an embarrassing moment over and over until it becomes much worse than it actually ever was.
I am quite contented right now and am even feeling better about my body, maybe i'm not such an ugly duckling after all. I'll blog again at some point can't say when i'm afraid as I love my real life that much more now.
Good thoughts to you all and i'll see ya when I see ya.
P.S Happy 2012 even though it's now the end of April.